How to install OpenVPN for Android on Android TV UPDATED

in this tutorial we will show you how to install openvpn for android.


Step 1. Search for and install "openvpn for android" from the google playstore.

Step 2. Open openvpn for android. Click Icon in top right.

Step 3. Add your server, username and password. NOTE: some users have had problems entering the username here. If you have this problem, enter the password first and then enter the server and username. Click "import openvpn configuration".

Step 4. Click "trust" to accept the untrusted certificate.

Step 5. You will be sent back to the original screen. Click the checkbox "request autologin profile" to select it and click "import openvpn configuration" again.

Step 6. Click the yellow circle down at the bottom to save the configuration. 

Step 7. Check the pencil to the right of you profile.

Step 8. Scroll along to "allowed apps". Disable "vpn is used for only accepted apps" and "allow apps to bypass vpn" should also be off. It should look like the in the picture. The scroll down the apps and here you want to enable (put a tick in the checkbox) the apps the vpn should be used for. Apps that are greyed out will not use the vpn. There is no need to save anything here. It auto saves. Return back to the main screen.

Step 9. Click your profile to start the vpn. NOTE: If you click this again you can turn the vpn off.

Step 10. Click ok to accept the connection request. (this will only be shown once.)

Step 11. The log will be shown here. Just click back.

Step 12. If the connection was successful you will see a "connected success message" here. You can now close the vpn. If you want the vpn to auto start so you dont have to start it manually each time android reboots. proceed to the next step.

Step 13. Open settings and click "default vpn"

Step 14. select the check box beside your profile to turn it on. this will set the default vpn profile.

Step 15. Check the box, "keep vpn connected.

Step 16. Click on "openvpn settings" and check the box to set the vpn to always on. If this doesnt open just click ok.

The vpn has now been installed and will auto start on reboot. It will run in the background.

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